Do You Want To Work For Google? Some Ways To Stand Out

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Do you want to work for Google, or another large tech company? Here are some ways to stand out and make your dream come true.

While there are many people who work in the tech field that say that they would never want to work for a large tech company like Google, there are many more who would love the experience and connection that comes with just such a position. That's what is great about the world of tech, there are so many ways that you can follow your passion and create the career that best suits you. Some people are interested in the innovation and excitement of coming in on the ground floor of a small tech company, while others dream of the wide array of job perks and the sense of community that comes with working for a large company like Google.
If you are dreaming of working for Google, you're not alone. Google is well known for offering amazing job perks like free dry cleaning, bring your pet to work days and much more. The Googleplex offers almost all of the amenities of a home away from home. Of course, this is because Google employees work long hours and non-standard work weeks. For some, it isn't worth the trade off.
In January, Google announced on their blog that they are planning to go through a hiring spree this year. According to their blog, they are planning to hire more people this year than they did in 2007. 2007 was their record for hiring, and they added 6,000 new people to their payroll.
If you want to make yourself stand out and get noticed (and hired) by a large tech company like Google, there are a few things you can start doing now to put yourself in a better position. Here are some things companies like Google look for:
  • Excellent tech skills – Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to have a degree from an Ivy Leauge college with a 3.7 or better GPA (but I'm sure it helps). Many people who are hired at Google don't have college degrees, and some have lower GPAs. That doesn't mean that Google hires less than stellar employees, it just means that they are more concerned about what you can do than where you went to school. That being said, if you want to better your odds, you'll need to polish up your skills and be ready to sell your talents to an interviewer.


  • Enthusiasm about technology as a whole – You'll need to be someone who keeps up with what is going on in your industry. If you are someone who is up-to-date on industry trends and developments, you will want to find a way to work that into the conversation when you interview.


  • Be passionate about the company where you want to work – Any hiring manager is going to look at you to see if you are familiar with the their products. If you aren't well versed in every product the company offers, then you'll need to take some time to play with them and learn how they work. If you really want to impress an interviewer, be prepared to offer suggestion about how you would improve the products.


  • Be creative – This is the part that can be tricky. You want to make sure that you present yourself as someone who can think outside of the box and aren't hindered by assumptions and perceived constraints. At the same time though, you don't want to go overboard and end up looking like someone you're not. Think of an example or two from your previous work that demonstrates a time when you had to design something or had to use creative problem solving to share with an interviewer.


  • Show that you take the initiative – Initiative is very important to most companies in general, but is especially impotant to large tech companies. Highlight your activities that show that you are driven to achieve and create, even when no one is requiring it. Things like running a blog, putting together a simple program to solve a problem you have or just pursuing a hobby are all things that show that you do the work because it's fun and because you are driven to innovate.
Large tech companies like to hire bright, enthusiastic people who can grow in their positions and with the company. If you are dreaming of finding this type of job, the best way to get your foot in the door is still networking. Join discussion groups online, find people to add to your network and make friends with people who work for the company you want to work for. Almost all of the larger tech companies encourage their employees to refer qualified applicants. Getting a recommendation might help get your foot in the door, but passion, creativity and the drive to achieve are what will serve you best in the interview.


Have you ever interviewed or have gotten a job at a large tech company? What do you think was the most important thing to the interviewer? Let me know in the comments.



By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for TechCareersBlog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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