Editor's Note (03/14/07): It Takes A Community: Help Colleagues Find A New Job

Technology Staff Editor
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For the past year all the news and reports on IT careers seems to have focused on one topic: the retirement of the baby boomer generation and the talent crunch that will soon hit. While I'm not saying that prediction is wrong, I am seriously questioning what the true job landscape is out in IT today. Given the reader feedback I've been getting and the challenges facing our two job hunters as noted in the On The Job Hunt blog , it seems that job hunting is still no cake walk. As our bloggers, both longtime IT professionals and leaders, are relating, there doesn't seem to be a mountain of career opportunities and the job hunt can prove to be a frustrating and scary proposition. Both of our bloggers live in the midst of great business enterprises, both have exemplary IT backgrounds and both are committed to continuing in the technology field. As blog followers know, John Elflein and Ken Assenmacher have taken that initial step to revamp and refresh dusty resumes, tapped some recruiters, reached out to outplacement firms and are sending resumes into the great blue yonder of employment opportunities. They're networking with current and past colleagues and tapping the shoulders of friends and industry contacts to find "the" job they want and are qualified for. Their insight and sharing of their unique job hunt experiences is a compelling story to follow along with, and I want to thank both of them for taking the time to blog for TechCareers. It may seem like an easy thing to do, but it's not easy given they both have a great deal on their plates. It's also not easy when things don't seem to be happening and job applications aren't getting the expected response. Since both John and Ken are sharing so openly, I'm asking TechCareers readers to share as well. Do you know of any openings at your company? Can you share an idea that worked for you on your last job hunt? Got any recommendations for cold calling a company for hidden opportunities? Share with them at the blog, or feel free to email me and I'll pass along your tip and insight. Let's put professional networking to a real live test right here at TechCareers. --Judy Mottl


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